Revitalize your home’s exterior with our power washing services. Fresh Wash 1 removes all dirt and grime, leaving your surfaces looking immaculate.
Hear from Our Customers
Our team acts as your trusted partner for power washing services in Ocean County. We’re dedicated about restoring the beauty of your home through meticulous exterior cleaning. Our skilled technicians are armed with high-powered pressure washers and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to effectively remove dirt, grime, and mildew from a number of surfaces. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, we transform your home’s exterior into a pristine canvas, reflecting its true value and charm.
Ready to get started?
Power washing is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy home environment. It not only heightens your property’s visual appeal but also protects it from premature deterioration caused by dirt, mold, and mildew. At Fresh Wash 1, we specialize in a wide range of power washing services, including driveway cleaning, fence washing, and more. Our team of professionals is geared to delivering quality results that exceed your expectations. Contact us at 908-692-8299 to schedule your service today!
During Hurricane Sandy in 2012, storm surge damaged about 90% of the properties in Mantoloking with the largest damage occurring when a breach was formed between the Barnegat Bay and the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Herbert Street (CR 528).
When Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey on October 29, 2012, the effects were severe, and Mantoloking was especially hard hit, with more than 50 homes requiring demolition, accounting for almost 10% of the housing units in the borough as of the 2010 Census. Verizon Communications announced in July 2013 that it won’t rebuild its copper-wire based plain old telephone service to Mantoloking residents, instead providing them with its Voice Link wireless service, an effort that brought protests from the AARP. Residents have complained that many calls don’t go through when dialed, that fax transmissions cannot be made, that 911 calls may be affected by network bottlenecks and that power outages would result in the loss of service.
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