Revitalize your home’s exterior with our power washing services. Fresh Wash 1 removes all dirt and grime, leaving your surfaces looking immaculate.
Hear from Our Customers
Our team acts as your trusted partner for power washing services in Middlesex County. We’re dedicated about restoring the beauty of your home through meticulous exterior cleaning. Our skilled technicians are armed with high-powered pressure washers and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to effectively remove dirt, grime, and mildew from a number of surfaces. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, we transform your home’s exterior into a pristine canvas, reflecting its true value and charm.
Ready to get started?
Power washing is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy home environment. It not only heightens your property’s visual appeal but also protects it from premature deterioration caused by dirt, mold, and mildew. At Fresh Wash 1, we specialize in a wide range of power washing services, including driveway cleaning, fence washing, and more. Our team of professionals is geared to delivering quality results that exceed your expectations. Contact us at 908-692-8299 to schedule your service today!
The general area of central New Jersey was originally occupied by the Lenape Native Americans. According to a 1677 bill of sale now in the New Jersey State Museum in Trenton, New Jersey, Thomas Lawrence, a New York baker, purchased thousands of acres of land from local Native Americans named Querameck, Kesyacs, Isarick, Metapis, Peckawan, and Turantecas.
The L.J Smith Farmhouse, now the headquarters for the East Brunswick Historical SocietyIn this document, the area is called Piscopeek, which later become known as Lawrence Brook, after its purchaser. Around the late 17th century, settlers began arriving in the northern part of East Brunswick, and by the mid-19th century, a small settlement had formed in the southeastern part, known as the Old Bridge section of the town, an area that was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977, the Old Bridge Historic District.
The area today known as East Brunswick was incorporated in 1860 from parts of North Brunswick and Monroe townships, including the community of Old Bridge. Originally a farming community, suburban settlement started in the 1930s with improved road access. Large scale housing and road construction, especially after World War II, transformed East Brunswick into a more suburban community. The extension of the New Jersey Turnpike to East Brunswick in 1952 led to a sharp spike in population growth, with the 1950 Census population of 5,699 more than tripling to 19,965 as of the 1960 enumeration.
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